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 Change Your Life.

About Raynell 

Ready to reach your full potential? is your go-to guide for personal and professional development! Unlock your inner greatness and take your life to the next level with my inspiring books on building a healthy and positive life - where family, friends, and success come together to create a legacy of peace.  Join my email list today!


Create a life of balance and joy. I am here to help! I provide the guidance and tools needed to achieve a holistic approach to personal and professional development. Unlock your potential and start creating the life you deserve. Here, you'll learn how to create a balanced and fulfilling life by focusing on family, friends, and success. Let me help you create a peaceful and meaningful legacy for yourself and your loved ones.

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       What makes us believe the lies we hear? What makes us second guess our natural instincts? Liars are crafty and they know how to maneuver emotions, resources and people to accomplish unethical goals. Unfortunately, many are connected to people who behave this way. Liars can be our friends, family and co-workers.

         Learn how liars think and behave so that you’re prepared to handle their interactions.

        If you’ve ever believed a liar, then. You’re not alone! Don’t allow shame to keep you from learning how to protect your mind and spirit. Liars create pain and trauma. They won’t change, so you have to instead!

While reading this book, learn how to:

  • Identify ways liars infiltrate our lives

  • Examine why we believe liars

  • Analyze a liar’s behaviors and motivations

  • Detach from a liar

  • Understand how liars think and behave so that you’re prepared to handle their interactions.

  • Consider why you keep falling for lies. 


New Release


Published Work

Being rejected may leave you with feelings of loss and desperation. Friends may try to empathize, but in that moment, it is normal to have a sense of loneliness. On the surface, a goal that you tried to accomplish, has left your grasp. You will not meet the benchmark you established, however, tomorrow, the sun will still rise, and the moon will still set. Reading this book will provide guidance about how to persevere despite experiencing rejection on a regular basis.



Before deciding whether or not you want friends, it is essential to consider what type of person you are. You must evaluate your values and have a clear understanding of the guiding principles of your life. If you are not sure about who you are it will be (1) difficult to attract specific people who will be a mutual benefit to your purpose and (2) you will have challenges determining when and how long someone stays in your circle.


SOLD OUT-Restocking May 15th, 2024

Regardless of whether you believe so or not, you are a leader. If you are a sibling, parent, spouse, lay person, or colleague, you are leading in some capacity. You may not have a fancy degree or title, but someone, in some way, is relying on your direction and example. People are always watching how you interact with others and how you perform under pressure. Whatever behaviors you display, others will use your actions to determine whether they want to follow your lead. Don’t underestimate the influence you have with others; people are always watching.  


SOLD OUT-Restocking June 15th, 2024 


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